Jason S. Tsukahara, PhD
Hi, I am Jason. My primary research interests are in understanding the nature of attentional control, it's biological basis, and how it impacts our lives in meaningful ways. Currently my research focuses on individual differences in the ability to control attention and how that relates to intelligence, sustained attention, pupil size, and the locus coeruleus-norepinephrine system. Message me to discuss my work or for any collaboration ideas jason.tsukahara@gatech.edu
Select Publications
Burgoyne, Mashburn, Tsukahara, & Engle (2022)
Draheim, Tsukahara, Martin, Mashburn, & Engle (2020)
A toolbox approach to improving the measurement of attention control. PsyArXiV
Martin, Tsukahara, Draheim, Shipstead, Mashburn, Vogel, & Engle (2020)
The visual arrays task: Visual storage capacity or attention control? PsyArXiV
Tsukahara, Harrison, Draheim, Martin & Engle (2020)
Tsukahara, Harrison, & Engle (2016)
The relationship between baseline pupil size and intelligence. Cognitive Psychology. 91, 109-123.
I am originally from Seattle, WA. I will always consider Washington State as my home. I earned my B.A. in Behavioral Neuroscience at Western Washington University. This is where I found my interests in cognitive psychology. I took a year off after college. During that year off I particpated in an 8-week silent meditation retreat on Shamatha and the Four Immeasurables in Phuket, Thailand with my teacher Alan Wallace
From there I went on to do a 2 year M.A. program in General Experimental Psychology at California State University, San Bernardino (CSUSB). At CSUSB I worked with Dr. Hideya Koshino doing research on selective attention and working memory.
I was, then, accepted into Randy Engle’s lab as a Ph.D. student at Georgia Tech. My current research in the lab involves investigating the nature of attention control with the use of pupillometry. I make use of the R statistical programming language to analyze data in a way that is most consistent with open science and reproducibility practices. I have developed several R Packages relevant to the lab's research; see below.
Outside of psychology, my interests include Buddhist spiritual practice, hiking, camping, riding my bicycle around town, and photography.
R Packages
An R Package to preprocess pupil data
An R Package to aid in processing and scoring complex-span and attention control tasks downloaded from the EngleLab
An R package to create nice looking output for CFA and SEM analyses using lavaan and semPlot packages