Research Interests
- Prospective Memory
- Working memory capacity, fluid intelligence, and executive functions
- Dissociating the relationship between working memory capacity and fluid intelligence
- Bilingualism, langauge proficiency, and cognition
Select Publications
Martin, Shipstead, Harrison, Redick, Bunting, & Engle (2019) The role of maintenance and disengagement in predicting reading comprehension and vocabulary learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition.
Engle & Martin (2018) Is a Science of Mind Even Possible? Reply to Logie (2018). Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition.
I am a 5th year graduate student in the Cognition and Brain Sciences Ph.D. program. I joined the Attention and Working Memory Lab in the Fall of 2015, after completing my M.S. in the ReCALL Lab with Paul Verhaeghen (also here at Georgia Tech).
I am originally from Lexington, KY, and spent my time there playing sports, running, and riding horses. I received my B.A. in Psychology from Furman University, where I fell in love with research design and began my research career in cognitive psychology, working in Dr. Gil Einstein’s lab.
My current research interests include the relationship between working memory capacity and fluid intelligence, individual differences in cognitive abilities underlying prospective memory performance, and exploring factors underlying language proficiency and second language learning. I love bunnies.