Toolbox Tasks

The Toolbox Tasks consist of accuracy-based and adaptive threshold attention tasks that all demonstrate strong reliability and validity as measures of attention control. Each task takes roughly 10+ minutes to administer. It is advised to choose 3 of these tasks to measure attention control at the latent construct level. See Draheim et al. (2023) and Draheim et al. (2021) for more information.

For any questions about downloading, administering, or scoring the tasks feel free to contact us at

Most recent updates are from Draheim et al. (2023)



Selective Visual Arrays

Set sizes 3 and 5

Sustained Attention-to-Cue Task

Version 2

Stroop Adaptive Response Deadline

Version 2: Trial-level Adaptive Staircase

We may periodically update some features of the tasks to improve their psychometric properties and measurement of attention control. Older versions of the tasks are still available for download, though are not advised to continue using in future research.
