Standard Versions
The Standard versions of the complex span tasks use the traditional administration time, with 3 blocks and the standard memory set-sizes. See Unsworth, Heitz, Schrock, & Engle (2005) for more information.
Symmetry Span

Memory Task: Square Locations
Processing task: Symmetry Judgement
Operation Span

Memory Task: Letters
Processing task: Math Operations
Rotation Span

Memory Task: Arrow Direction and Size
Processing task: Mental Rotation
Reading Span

Memory Task: Words
Processing task: Sentence Judgement
If you use any of the standard complex span tasks in your published research, we request that you cite this article in your references:
An automated version of the operation span task. Behavior Research Methods, 37, 498-505.
If you have any questions about how the tasks are scored see:
To help decide which task might be appropriate for your sample, see:
What Item Response Theory can tell us about the complex span tasls. Psychological Assessment.